Elections to the European Parliament in the territory of the Slovak Republic 2024 – Information for the voter
The municipality of Pusté Sady, located in the county of Galanta, publishes the information for the voter for Elections to the European Parliament in the territory of the Slovak Republic, which will take place on June 8th, 2024.
I. Date and time of elections
Elections to the European Parliament in the territory of the Slovak Republic will be held on Saturday 8. 6. 2024 from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
II. Right to vote
The citizen of the Slovak Republic permanently residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic and reaching the age of 18 no later than on the date of elections, and the citizen of other Member State of the European Union permanently residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic and reaching the age of 18 no later than on the date of elections has the right to vote in the elections to the European Parliament in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
The citizen of the Slovak Republic who is not permanently resident in the territory of the Slovak Republic or in the territory of other Member State of the European Union and will reach the age of 18 no later than on the date of elections, and stays in the territory of the Slovak Republic on the date of elections, also has the right to vote in the elections to the European Parliament in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
It is possible to vote only in one Member State of the European Union in the same elections to the European Parliament.
The right to vote is obstructed by the restriction on liberty in order to protect public health laid down by law, unless a special law provides otherwise during pandemic.
III. Right to be elected
The following persons can be elected Members of the European Parliament
- a citizen of the Slovak Republic reaching the age of 21 no later than on the date of elections and permanently residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic,
- a citizen of other Member State of the European Union reaching the age of 21 no later than on the date of elections, who has not been deprived of the right to be elected in the Member State of the European Union of which he or she is a national, and permanently residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
It is possible to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament only in one Member State of the European Union in the same elections.
The right to be elected is obstructed by
- serving a prison sentence,
- final conviction for an intentional crime unless the conviction has been expunged,
- deprivation of legal capacity.
IV. Registration of a citizen of other Member State of the European Union in the list of voters
The citizen of other Member State of the European Union permanently residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic is registered in the list of voters by the municipality, in which the citizen of other Member State of the European Union permanently resides, based on their application and declaration.
The application along with the declaration must be submitted no later than within 40 days before the date of elections (no later than on 29. 4. 2024) otherwise the right to be registered in the list of voters will cease to exist.
The voter applying for registration in the list of voters for elections to the European Parliament in other Member State of the European Union and also applying for registration in the list of voters in the Slovak Republic commits a minor offence, for which a fine of EUR 100 will be imposed.
Further information on the elections to the European Parliament is available at the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic http://www.minv.sk/?volby-ep